None of us are born with all of the tools we need for self-discovery or for learning how to understand, support, and advocate for others. Below are some resources for 2SLGBTQIA+ Individuals, allies, friends, family, loved ones, and anyone else who is curious about faith, spirituality, sexuality, theology, faith and religion intersections, gender identity, gender expression, queer identity, parenting, and more!
*We share these links as resources and can't be responsible if their content changes or isn't updated. If you notice any resources that aren't helpful or have suggestions for us, please let us know!
Allyship & Solidarity Resources
Resources: Allyship for Current 2SLGBTQ+ Issues and Addressing Misinformation
Pride Defense Guide: Pride defense is the act of going to any Pride event to protect the 2SLGBTQ+community (Canadian Anti-Hate Network)
My Pride Won’t Unravel: Tools for Organizers (PDF) and Attendees (PDF). (Egale Canada)
Sign the United Against Hate call to action campaign
Drag FAQ’s: Share our FAQ’s about myths and disinformation surrounding drag!
Affirming Connections Video Recommendations
Small Town, Big Impact: Stories and Strategies from the Affirming Journey (3 part series)
Theological Foundations for Affirming with scholar and author Austen Hartke
Unclobbering the Tangled Mess Part 1: the History of Cultural and Religious Discrimination against the LGBTQ Community with Kathy Baldock (video)
Unclobbering the Tangled Mess Part 2: the History of Cultural and Religious Discrimination against the LGBTQ Community with Kathy Baldock (video)
General: Beginner/101 Resources
A Quick Guide to Sexual Orientation, Sex, and Gender Identity (a super simple comic!)
The Bible and LGBTQ Inclusion: 5 Things You Need to Know, by Dr. Brownson, Karen Keen, Matthew Vines (video)
Transgender 101 - The Basics (YouTube Series)
Sexuality Resources
"For the Bible Tells Me So”: Hermeneutics and the Debate About LGBTQ Inclusion, by Matthew Vines (video)
How the Bible Has Become a Sacred Weapon with Kathy Baldock (video): An overview of original research as to how the word "homosexual" was first added to the Bible in the 1946 Revised Standard Version NT. The workshop examines historical foundations of male-female roles, human sexuality, procreation, and, in the 20th century, the emergence of Bible translations that have included the words "homosexual" and "homosexuality." The video investigates how these translations were impacted by cultural, social, medical, political, legal, and military influences.
Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships, by James Brownson (book)
One Coin Found: How God's Love Stretches to the Margins, by Rev. Emmy Kegler (book)
Boy Erased: A Memoir of Identity, Faith, and Family by Garrard Conley (book)
Unnatural: Spiritual Resiliency in Queer Christian Women, Rachel Murr (book)
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution, by Shiri Eisner (book)
Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around The World, by Robyn Ochs and Sarah Rowley (book)
The Queer and Transgender Resilience Workbook: Skills for Navigating Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression by Dr. Anneliese A. Singh (book)
Walking the Bridgeless Canyon: Repairing the Breach Between the Church and the LGBT community, by Kathy Baldock (book)
Why Churches Need to Talk about Sexuality: Lessons Learned from Hard Conversations about Sex, Gender, Identity, and the Bible, by Mark Wingfield (book)
Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies: The Need for Inclusive Biblical Interpretation, by Cheryl B. Anderson (book)
A Brief Biblical Case for LGBTQ Inclusion - The Reformation Project (webpage)
God and The Gay Christian by Matthew Vines (book)
The Bible and Same-Sex Relationships Conversation Guide - The Reformation Project (PDF, available in English and Mandarin)
What You Need To Know About The Bible, SoulForce (website and PDF)
Asexual Visibility and Education Network (website)
Institute of Bisexuality (website)
Transgender/Gender Expansive Resources
Transmission Ministry Collective - lots of great resources (Trans and Gender Expansive people, Ministry Professionals, and Family members of Trans folks)
Trans Student Educational Resources (Free Posters, Graphics, Stats)
Resources for Trans Folks (Skipping Stone Foundation)
Trans and Gender Expansive Identities, Q Christian (Downloadable PDF)
Transforming: The Bible and The Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke (book)
The Bible and Transgender Inclusion, The Reformation Project (PDF, available in English and Mandarin)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Trans (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Brynn Tannehill (book)
Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue by Nicholas M Teich (book)
The Gender Booklet (Free PDF of an annotated version of the GENDER book, available as a free e-book and printable do-it-yourself version)
Intersex Christians and the Image of God, Lianne Simon and Dr. Megan DeFranza, The Reformation Project (video)
The Bible and Transgender Christians, Austen Hartke, The Reformation Project (video)
Transgender History, The Roots of Today’s Revolution, by Susan Stryker
Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God by Megan K. Defranza (book)
The Queer and Transgender Resilience Workbook: Skills for Navigating Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression by Dr. Anneliese A. Singh (book)
Beyond The Gender Binary, by Alok Vaid-Menon (book)
Xtra Explains Trans Youth: 10 Part Video Series (short videos addressing misinformation around Trans and Gender Diverse Youth)
Two-Spirit Resources and Supports
Talking Two-Spirit, with Harlan Pruden, PhD (video)
Two-Spirit Knowing (YouTube Playlist)
Where The Rivers Meet - Two Spirit Programming and Support (Centre for Sexuality)
Safe and Caring Schools for Two-Spirit Youth: A Guide for Teachers and Students (PDF)
Edmonton 2 Spirit Society (videos)
Two Spirit Health and Wellbeing (website)
Two Spirits, One Calling, Emerging Indigenous Voices (article)
Two Spirit Program, Community Based Research Centre (website, videos)
You Are Made of Medicine - A Mental Health Peer Support Manual for Indigiqueer, Two-Spirit, and LGBTQ+ Indigenous youth
Building Bridges - Resources for 2SLGBTQI Intersectionality (Egale Canada)
Supports For Those Affected by Conversion “Therapy” Practices
Conversion Practices (CP) also known as: Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts (SOGIECE). CP and SOGIECE are deeply harmful, scientifically discredited practices that target vulnerable 2SLGBTQ+ Canadians. To protect people from this cruel treatment, we all should work to prohibit people and organizations from conducting it – as well as supporting the development of positive, affirming programs and services. Below are some links for support and ways you can help end these practices!
Stop Conversion Practices is a new website to increase awareness and understanding of conversion practices and the new Canadian federal law which came into force in January 2022. It has been created by survivors and informed by research and consultations with survivors, helping to ensure it is grounded in lived experience.
Let Me Be Me: A Legal Information Guide to Canada’s Conversion Therapy Ban: This guide is intended to help you understand what conversion “therapy” is and is not, what its impacts are on the health and wellbeing of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and what these new laws mean for people across our country.
Truth Wins Out, educates the world on the harm caused by destructive so-called “ex-gay” conversion programs, while fighting to eliminate anti-LGBTQ prejudice and discrimination.
Community Based Research Centre: Links to Supports for Survivors, Parents, Families, and Practitioners
Criminal Code Details around Conversion “Therapy”, Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA)
Three Minute Animated Video Explaining the Federal Ban on Conversion “Therapy”, CPLEA
FAQ’s Around The Conversion Therapy Ban and What You Can Do, CPLEA
CT Survivors Connect: Canadian, survivor led, online support group, Facebook
Conversion Therapy Dropout Network: US-based (but open to Canadians) survivor support network
CT Survivors: US-based (but open to Canadians) survivor support network
How to Be An Ally In The Workplace, by TedX
Being an LGBTQ Ally, Human Rights Campaign (website)
Guide to Being a Straight Ally, PFLAG (Website)
Affirming Adults: A Guide to Supporting Gender Diverse Children and Youth (Egale Canada website + PDF)
Straight for Equality: Becoming a Trans Ally 101 (Webinar recording & training toolkit)
Right To Be, (great resource for free Bystander Intervention Training)
Hijacked by Fundamentalism: Christian Humanism and a Better Path Forward w/ David Gushee (podcast/video)
Practice with Pronouns (website)
Safer and Inclusive Physical Spaces - Washrooms and Change Rooms (PDF)
Intersectionality, Interfaith
Building Bridges - Resources for 2SLGBTQI Intersectionality (Egale Canada)
2SLGBTQI & Affirming Faith Workbooks (Includes Indigenous, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism)
Salaam Canada, publications, films, and books for LGBTQ Muslims (website)
Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism, by Deborah Jian Lee (book)
Our Lives Matter: A Womanist Queer Theology, by Pamela R. Lightsey (book)
Rainbow Theology: Bridging Race, Sexuality, and Spirit, Patrick Cheng (book)
Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, Julia Serano (book)
Outside The Lines, by Mihee Kim-Kort (book)
Queering Christianity: Finding a Place at the Table for LGBTQI Christians, Robert Everett Shore-Goss, Thomas Bohache, Patrick S. Cheng, Ramona Faye West (book)
Life Beyond My Body: A Transgender Journey to Manhood in China by Lei Ming (book)
Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community by Noach Dzmura (book)
Many Voices: A Black Church Movement for Gay and Transgender Justice - Many Voices (website)
What Is Christian Supremacy?, SoulForce (website, PDF)
Beloved Arise, contains a list of affirming resources with a focus on queer youth who are interested in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
For Parents/Loved Ones of 2SLGBTQIA+ Individuals
Programs for Parents of 2SLGBTQ+ Children and Youth (Centre for Sexuality)
Trans Parents Alberta 101 (website)
PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Mom I’m Gay, by Susan Cottrell (book)
Better Together: Matthew and Monte Vines on Studying the Bible and LGBTQ Inclusion (video)
The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes, by Diane Ehrensaft (book)
The Transgender Child, A Handbook for Families and Professionals, by Stephanie A. Brill, Rachel Pepper (book)
This Is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids: A Question & Answer Guide to Everyday Life, by Kristin Russo and Dannielle Owens-Reid (book)
Embracing the Journey: A Christian Parents' Blueprint to Loving Your LGBTQ Child, by Greg and Lynn McDonald (book)
Risking Grace, Loving Our Gay Family and Friends Like Jesus, by Dave Jackson
Our Trans Loved Ones: Questions and Answers for Parents, Families, and Friends of People Who Are Transgender and Gender Expansive - PFLAG (Free PDF)
Faith In Our Families: Parents, Families, and Friends Talk About Faith, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity - PFLAG (Free PDF)
Equipped for Unconditional Love: Queer Eye’s Tammye and Myles Hicks, The Reformation Project (video)
Healthcare System, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Supports
The Care I Want: An Illustrated Guide to Navigating Healthcare (website)
Relationship and Sexual Health Education (Centre for Sexuality)
Counselling (Centre for Sexuality)
Changing Name and Gender Marker on your Legal ID’s in Alberta (Transparent Alberta)
Health Care Self-Advocacy Tip Sheet for 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Members (PDF)
Tip Sheet for Healthcare Providers on 2SLGBTQIA+ Affirming Care (PDF)
For Trans folks and their loved ones: Gender Affirming Gear, Counselling, Healthcare, Support Groups in Alberta (Skipping Stone Foundation)
WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Standards of Care for Transgender Individuals
WPATH Recommended Reading, most of which is non-clinical in nature
Trans Lifeline (Canada-wide, operators are not always available, so if you don’t reach someone, please reach out to a different resource on this list): 877-330-6366
Interligne (Canada-wide listening, intervention and awareness services for the 2SLGBTQ+ community, available 24/7 and offered in English and French.) Call or text 1-888-505-1010 or chat online
Canada Suicide Crisis Helpline (Call or text 988)
Distress Centre Calgary: 403-266-4537
Hope for Wellness Help Line (for Indigenous peoples across Canada): 1-855-242-3310. Telephone support is available upon request in Cree, Ojibway (Anishinaabemowin), and Inuktitut & Two Spirit counselors are also available upon request
Addiction Helpline (Alberta-wide): 1-866-332-2322
Mental Health Helpline (Alberta-wide): 1-877-303-2642
Brite Line (Edmonton): 1-844-702-7483
Fyrefly Institute Resource List: Includes resources for Teachers, Healthcare Workers, Social Workers, Newcomers, Refugees, Parents, Guardians, Rural Communities, Mental Health Supports, and more
Children’s Books and Resources
Jesus, Glue, Glitter (Crafts, Sermon Ideas, Printables)
The Boy and The Bindi, by Vivek Shraya (book, gender)
Worm Loves Worm, by J.J. Austrian (book, sexuality)
Red: A Crayon’s Story, by Michael Hall (book, gender identity)
From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea, by Kai Cheng Thom (book, gender identity)
A Family Is a Family Is a Family, Sara O’Leary (book, sexuality)
Introducing Teddy, by Jessica Walton (book, gender identity)
A Tale of Two Mommies, Vanita Oelschlager (book)
Daddy, Papa, and Me, by Leslea Newman (book)
A Church for All, by Gayle E. Pitman (book, gender identity and sexuality)
Transgender Children of God, by Megan Rohrer (book, gender identity)
What to Wear to Church?, by Megan Rohrer (book)
The Gender Identity Workbook for Kids: A Guide to Exploring Who You Are, by Kelly Storck (book)
Who Are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity, by Brook Pessin-Whedbee (book)
One of a Kind, Like Me / Único Como Yo, by Laurin Mayeno (book)
Activist Theology with Rev. Dr. Roberto Ché Espinoza and Rev. Anna Golladay
Queerology: A Podcast on Belief and Being with Matthias Roberts
A Tiny Revolution, with Kevin Garcia
LGBTQ&A: The Most Interesting People in the World are Queer
The Bible for Normal People: Pete Enns and Jared Byas
Conspirituality: Dismantling New Age cults, wellness grifters, and conspiracy-mad yogis
Evolving Faith with Sarah Bessey
The Devil’s Party: join host Anthony Oliveira as he reads through the classics of Christian literature through a queer scholarly lens
Queer Theology, LGBTQ Bible Podcast: An LGBTQ perspective on a different Bible passage every week
Activist Theology: engage in conversation fuelled by analysis and activism
Making Gay History: Intimate, personal portraits of both known and long-forgotten champions
Nancy: Stories and conversations about the queer experience today
Still Processing: Culture podcast hosted by two Black queer journalists
Kingdom Ethics with David P. Gushee and Jeremy Hall
Holy Heretics: Losing Religion and Finding Jesus
We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle
Sacred and Profane, Bending the Binaries of Faith, with Pam Rocker and Rev. Dr. Roberto Ché Espinoza